The two workshops are brought together 1) to share the state-of-the-art expertise on the historical biases in the records of XBT as well as other temperature instruments to achieve better quality-controlled ocean database, and 2) to discuss current science work carried out with XBT observations and present key scientific results obtained using data from the global XBT network.
The objectives of the two workshops are summarized more specifically as follows.
IQuOD Workshop
The 4th International Quality Controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) workshop will focus on progress and plans towards production of the first version of the IQuOD database, focusing on automated QC development and the development and implementation of intelligent metadata and uncertainty estimates. We will discuss crowd-sourcing options for expert QC and novel computer-based approaches (such as machine learning). Current and future funding support from SCOR, IODE and other sources will also be discussed.
For more information on IQuOD, please visit http://www.iquod.org.
XBT workshop
- Looking towards understanding and correcting XBT biases for climate research (e.g. ocean heat content) and physical oceanography studies.
- Scientific and operational uses of XBT observations, to better understand critical ocean phenomena, processes, such as Meridional Overturning Circulation, currents including Western Boundary Currents, ocean heat budgets.
- Exploring the synergy of XBT data with data from other observational platforms, such as Argo floats, satellite altimetry, surface drifters, etc.
For more information on XBT Science, please visit
Time |
Mon., October 3 |
Tue., October 4 |
Wed., October 5 |
Thu., October 6 |
Fri., October 7 |
0900-1230 |
IQuOD Day 1 |
IQuOD Day 2 |
IQuOD Day 3 |
XBT Day 2 |
XBT Day 3 |
1400-1800 |
IQuOD Day 1 |
IQuOD Day 2 |
XBT Day 1 |
XBT Day 2 |
Dinner(19:30-) |
(*)Hyperlinks to the individual presentations are embedded in each agenda.
Organizers/Steering Team
Organizing Commitee
- Catia Domingues (University of Tasmania, Australia / co-chair of IQuOD Steering Team)
- Gustavo J. Goni (AOML/NOAA, USA)
- Masayoshi Ishii (MRI/JMA, Japan / chair of XBT-Japan)
- Shoichi Kizu (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Matthew Palmer (Met Office, UK / co-chair of IQuOD Steering Team)
- Kanako Sato (JAMSTEC, Japan)
- Janet Sprintall (SIO/UCSD, USA)
- Toru Suzuki (MIRC, Japan)
IQuOD Steering Team/SG-IQuOD*
- Tim Boyer (NCEI/NOAA, USA)
- Rebecca Cowley (CSIRO, Australia)
- Catia Domingues (University of Tasmania, Australia / co-chair
- Gustavo J. Goni (AOML/NOAA, USA)
- Simon Good (Met Office, UK)
- Viktor Gouretski (Universitat Hamburg, Germany)
- Matthew Palmer (Met Office, UK / co-chair)
- Janet Sprintall (SIO/UCSD, USA)
- Charles Sun (NCEI/NOAA, USA / chair of IODE SG-GTSPP)
- Toru Suzuki (MIRC, Japan)
- Ann Gronell Thresher (CSIRO, Australia)
- Susan Wijffels (CSIRO, Australia)
XBT Science Workshop Organizers
- Gustavo J. Goni (AOML/NOAA, USA / co-chair of XBT Science Team)
- Shoichi Kizu (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Janet Sprintall (SIO/UCSD, USA / co-chair of XBT Science Team)
Local Organizers/XBT-Japan**
- Ken-ichi Amaike (T.S.K, Japan)
- Masayoshi Ishii (MRI/JMA, Japan / chair of XBT-Japan)
- Yasuhiko Karigome (JODC, Japan)
- Shoichi Kizu (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Tsurane Kuragano (MRI/JMA, Japan)
- Toshiya Nakano (JMA, Japan)
- Yutaka Michida (AORI/The University of Tokyo, Japan / co-chair of IOC-IODE)
- Kanako Sato (JAMSTEC, Japan)
- Yugo Shimizu (NRIFS/FRA, Japan)
- Toshio Suga (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Toru Suzuki (MIRC, Japan / contact person for logistic information)
- Tamaki Yasuda (JMA, Japan)
- Hiroyuki Yoritaka (Kochi University, Japan)
* IODE-IQuOD project was established by IODE-XXIII (2015) through Recommendation IODE-XXIII.3 and the project is managed by the IODE Steering Group for the IODE-IQuOD project (SG-IQuOD).
** XBT-Japan means the Working Group for Recompilation of Historical XBT Database, Japan Group of Experts to Advance IOC Programs.
These workshops are financially supported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund [ 2-1506 ] of the Ministry of Environment, Japan.
Fukoku Seimei Bldg. 25F, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan
Exterior of a Fukoku Seimei Bldg. (from HIBIYA CITY Web (in Japanese))